^ What's the point?
^ Requirements
^ Installation
^ Usage
^ Licenses

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COM Media Info Library

COM Media Info Library is a COM class wrapper for MediaInfo.dll, for use in Win32 and Win64 (Windows 10/11) software.

  • Get a summary of a media file (audio/video/picture etc.)
  • Get a specific attribute of a media file
  • COM class is usable by developer environments/platforms supporting COM classes like VBScript
  • Delphi header file and VBScript tutorials included


Developer environment/platform supporting COM classes.


Edit the "Register COM Media Info Library (edit and run as admin).bat" file with the right folders. Right mouse button click on the file and click "Run as administrator".

Or run an elevated command prompt, change dir into the folder where 'COMMediaInfo.dll' is located, run the following: "regsvr32 COMMediaInfo.dll". This should register the COM class. Do this for the desired Win32 and/or Win64 version. MediaInfo.dll is needed on the search path, eg. beside your .exe (or VBScript file), or copy the needed DLLs to \Windows\System32\ (Win64 DLLs on a 64 bit OS) and/or \Windows\SysWOW64\ (Win32 DLLs on a 64 bit OS) folder. If the OS is 32 bit then copy the needed DLLs to \Windows\System32\ (from the Win32 folder). To use the library in VBScript, on a 64 bit OS, the VBScript process is 64 bit so the needed DLLs have to be from the Win64 folder, beside the .VBS file or in the System32 folder as written above.


After registering the DLL it can be accessed like:
VBScript usage example, get a detailed report:
	option explicit
	dim myobject
	set myobject = createobject("COMMediaInfo.MediaInformation")
	myobject.OpenFile "Test3.mp3"
	dim reportstr
	myobject.GetReport 0, reportstr
	wscript.Echo reportstr
	set myobject = nothing
To get a specific attribute:
	option explicit
	dim myobject
	set myobject = createobject("COMMediaInfo.MediaInformation")
	myobject.OpenFile "Test3.mp3"
	dim valuestr
	myobject.GetAttribute "Duration", 0, 0, valuestr
	wscript.Echo valuestr
	set myobject = nothing
Please see all the avialable attributes in the 'MediaInfo_DLL_24.06_Windows_i386_WithoutInstaller.7z' package folder '\Developers\List_Of_Parameters\'.

COM Media Info Library in freeware, shareware and commercial software?

The component can be freely evaluated and free for freeware use. If you like it and use it in a shareware or commercial (or any other money making - advertising, in app. selling, etc.) product one of the licenses is needed.

Note that MediaInfo.dll itself can be used completely freely, only using the COM class wrapper commercially requires a license.

Please donate to the author of MediaInfo.dll if you are using MediaInfo.dll for commercial purposes.
